Note: Most of these photos are from my instagram. If you're going to take my photos for any reason, please credit me! Thanks :)
Started off 2013 strong with the above projects! In January I crocheted a few cowls and a cute bow headband. If you're interested in making the cute headband, lucky for you I have a tutorial on that here. I also got a new laptop around this time and made my own laptop case for it :) The pokadot / floral fabric was originally a tote bag I received from aerie which was just laying around unused... I thought I could put it to good use since the pattern was frigging adorable.
Finally, spring approached and I made that bracelet! I also made another one for my lovely best friend's birthday. In May, I put together that costume (top right picture above). I really love how cosplaying always calls for a challenge. I am always learning new sewing techniques :) In June, I received an awesome fujifilm instant camera for my birthday!! Since it was white, I was scared it was going to get dirty easily, so I crocheted a camera theme case for it... Erm, it turned out okay I guess. I also lined the inside with fabric. Could have been better. Perhaps this year I will make a better one! Another wonderful birthday gift I received was a kindle. I wasn't sure what I wanted the case to look like, so I just winged it.
Finally for the first time ever, I made my first ever amigurumi during the summer! LOOK AT HOW PRECIOUS THAT LION LOOKS. I am so so so proud of it :D
Nearing the end of summer, these were the crocheting projects that I had completed.
On the left is a blanket I started crocheting near the end of July, and finally finished in August I believe? Longest, time consuming thing of life!!! But then again, I did make it really, really huge... haha. In September, I decided to upgrade my kindle case to something cuter. Course you all know this, because I blogged about it already :)
These were the last projects I completed near the end of 2013. The only two I have not included are two 3ds XL cases, due to the fact I have no photos of them. The cat ears headband is the last thing I made.
At first I thought that I really didn't accomplish much in terms of crafting... But wow, was I wrong! Especially since I am sure there are still a couple of things I haven't taken pictures of yet... Nonetheless, 2013 was such a great adventure. I cannot wait to achieve even more this year! Look forward to it everyone :D
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